Mahogany Maddison is a hopeless romantic at heart. She's sweet and lovable and just can't seem to find Mr.Right, her Knight in Shining Armor or her Prince Charming. "Urgh!" "Yes I spending my days finding daydreaming about prince's and lands far far away." With the opening of her new boutique "Tattered & Torn"
she has filled her life with all things beautiful, romanitque and pure. Her friends have told her "Mahagony while do you collect so much junk!" She just smiles and says "this junk is filled with purpose and life" Every piece in her boutique is filled with a life that once was and a purpose that still is. At twenty-nine years old she longed to find her prince charming but there's been too many frogs not enough prince's and she just needed to fulfill her inner Jane Austen, Audrey Hepburn and Marie Antoinette.
Yesterday she found a letter stuck inside the front door of "Tattered & Torn" it was an unusual place to put a letter being that the postman just puts it right in my hand, she thought.
She was anxious to read it, it was pretty with floral printed paper. "OOOh, my favorite."
she hugged it to her body, juggling french signs, and a bag or and a bag full of decorative hang tags she purchased from a dealer along with a number of other items, she planned on placing in the store along with her vintage Chanel handbag and briefcase. Everyday she had her hands full of fine pieces dealers have left on her doorstep or she personally has created herself, needing a temporary home in her store.
As she opened the door "it spoke to her heart, it smelled like lavender, cherry blossoms and a time gone by. She would take in a deep breath every time she entered, it felt good and she knew she was in the perfect place.
Sometimes she could hear her friends voice especially Maine Marie Summerville- Maddison, not only her best friend but her older sister by exactly one year.
"Mahogany are you sure this is what you really want to do!" Urgh! "Yes Maine, I'm not like you, I need to be free, be creative and surround myself with things I love. I haven't found the handsome husband willing to give me babies and a soft comfy future."
Putting Maine's voice out of her head she, placed her items on the desk in her back office. Still holding the letter in her hand she salivated waiting to open it.
Sitting down she held it in front of her.
It simply read:
For You
in calligraphy on the outside, no return address. She finally opened it.
Inside it read:
You don't know me but I know you. I've been in your store several times and I think it is amazing. I imagine the store owner is just as charming and delightful as the place she calls 'Tattered & Torn"
I'm hoping one day I will have the pleasure of making your acquaintance Ms. Maddison.
Mr. Williamson
"What!" she exclaimed and placed the letter on her desk of utter chaos.
"OMG!" I need to call Maine, she thought.
She scattered the desk looking for her cell phone, which she forgot the night before.
Upon finding it, it rang and it was Darren, Maine's husband.
She answered "Hello, Darren"
"Hello, Mahogany...I need your help"